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7 Top Landing-Page Best Practices from an SEO Perspective

An ideal landing-page will effortlessly convert your site visitors into potential leads while delighting them in the process. These seven top landing-page best practices from an SEO perspective will help you, to draw in more potential customers and convert them.

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1. Make your landing-page clutter-free


A simple or minimalist landing-page eliminates the visual clutter and helps your website visitors to concentrate on your CTA (Call-to-Action).


2. What you’re offering — Make it very clear!


Well, a nice marketing strategy makes the company appear smart, but a wise digital marketing strategy makes the customer feel smart. Utilise this wisdom in your landing pages if you want to improve your conversion rates. When planning your optimising strategy, think what you can do to make your customers’ experience a positive one. You want them to feel intelligent, inspired, fascinated and appreciated. So think about your customers’ specific intent, and turn that intent into a captivating headline.


For example:

‘Shopify is the No.1 popular platform that empowers e-commerce businesses worldwide’.

Note: Here the word “empowers” written in the context, makes the customer want to feel the same thing.


3. Make use of scarcity technique to your advantage


Scarcity compels your landing-page visitors to act right now because they know they might miss out if they delayed. That’s the reason why “limited quantities left” and “limited time offer” are among the ‘Golden Marketing Phrases’.


  • The words “Hurry only 2 left
  • This offer will expire after 7 days [Time Left: 167 hours, 30 minutes, 45 seconds]

You can do the same on your website by activating — “Quantities left” or “A limited-time discount offer”. Notice a countdown timer in the 2nd example above — it can add a visual component to scarcity. It informs your visitors how much time they have to act before the offer is gone.


4. Important sections must be placed above the fold


Try keeping the most important content slices above the digital fold — the point at which the user should scroll to get more information. Agreed, this has become trickier now than ever because most of the people are now using smartphones and tablets. Don’t be disappointed because you can use a scroll map to identify the location of the average fold on varied devices, and keep your headline, as a short sentence or two of the body copy, along with a Call-to-Action at the front and centre.


5. Use contrast colour combinations


You can try using contrasting colours, but with clarity — this is great for grabbing the attention of your customers, who have landed on your site.


6. Contact Information


Adding your contact details such as phone number, physical address, email address etc. can build trust in the eyes of your potential customers.


7. Testimonials


Well, adding some of your genuine customer testimonials to the website will go a long way in building trust. Moreover, if you can convince your previous customers to create a video testimonial, you’ll have an upper hand over your rivals.


The Bottom Line


Implement these top seven landing-page best practices from an SEO perspective, into your website, and you’ll see how your site visitors and conversions climb up!